Thursday, June 22, 2006

Quickbooks Item Types Added To Webservice Methods

We have now completed adding additional Item types to the Is2 Xml Soap Server for Quickbooks.

The following Item types were added yesterday:
1. ItemDiscount
2. ItemInventory
3. ItemNonInventory
4. ItemOtherCharge
5. ItemPayment
6. ItemSalesTax
7. ItemService

We will soon add these remaining Item types:
1. ItemFixedAsset
2. ItemGroup
3. ItemInventoryAssembly
4. ItemSalesTaxGroup
5. ItemSubtotal

All the webservice methods for the Item types follow similiar call methods and parameters:
1. ItemService_Add
2. ItemService_Edit
3. ItemService_Delete
4. ItemService_Lookup
5. ItemService_List
6. ItemService_LookupList

We are now working on Document types - invoice, salesreceipt, salesorder.