Quickbooks Item Types Added To Webservice Methods
We have now completed adding additional Item types to the Is2 Xml Soap Server for Quickbooks.
The following Item types were added yesterday:
1. ItemDiscount
2. ItemInventory
3. ItemNonInventory
4. ItemOtherCharge
5. ItemPayment
6. ItemSalesTax
7. ItemService
We will soon add these remaining Item types:
1. ItemFixedAsset
2. ItemGroup
3. ItemInventoryAssembly
4. ItemSalesTaxGroup
5. ItemSubtotal
All the webservice methods for the Item types follow similiar call methods and parameters:
1. ItemService_Add
2. ItemService_Edit
3. ItemService_Delete
4. ItemService_Lookup
5. ItemService_List
6. ItemService_LookupList
We are now working on Document types - invoice, salesreceipt, salesorder.
The following Item types were added yesterday:
1. ItemDiscount
2. ItemInventory
3. ItemNonInventory
4. ItemOtherCharge
5. ItemPayment
6. ItemSalesTax
7. ItemService
We will soon add these remaining Item types:
1. ItemFixedAsset
2. ItemGroup
3. ItemInventoryAssembly
4. ItemSalesTaxGroup
5. ItemSubtotal
All the webservice methods for the Item types follow similiar call methods and parameters:
1. ItemService_Add
2. ItemService_Edit
3. ItemService_Delete
4. ItemService_Lookup
5. ItemService_List
6. ItemService_LookupList
We are now working on Document types - invoice, salesreceipt, salesorder.
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